Sunday, September 16, 2012

What Have I Been Up To? Well,

Ok,  I am posting 50 pictures of what I've been up to.... I think I need to show a LOT to catch up on things!

Here we go!

Uncle Robert, Grandma, and Grandpa walking to our spot on the beach. :) SO cute!

My Mom is in this picture now.  :)

Cambria posted on BCE a little while ago about her adventure in the BYU bookstore.  We went there too!  We have these same guys on our van.  I am the girl with the ponytail. :)

A little stuffed cougar- :) this one's for you Luke!

BYU piggy banks. <3 I want one now!

A couple more beach pictures.  Ashlyn was there with us too.

BYU keychains-one for each cousin! ( We didn't really get them, but it would be fun.)

I <3 BYU teddy bears.

Shelves and shelves stocked with beanie boos.

Grace and a hamster thing---   :)

My favoritest (I made that up) comedy group EVER!  I wanted to go to those auditions SO badly! They were that night, and people could watch.  :(  We got to go to see some friends, though! :)

My uncle running in a race for Peach Days!

Our family at Peach Days right after the race.

All the cousins (except for baby Richard). Me, Kaylee, Grace, Jordan, Braden, Spencer, and Ethan with our Peach Day shirts.  I guess they didn't have baby sizes :)

Us getting shaved ice!  These are literally EVERYWHERE in Utah!

Enjoying our treat by a lovely "Lee Perry" sign.....

We went to a fair near main street. Mom, Spencer, and Ethan.

They have a Cranium Shaker:

Town Square in Brigham City.

Merry Go Round

Dad and Spencer

A cool Ferris Wheel

Spencer on a car ride!

The newly built Brigham City Temple! A HUGE post on this later!

A craft store that had so many cool projects and ideas, I was loving it!

Awesome gymnasts doing routines on silk!

My uncle Marc's new book- you get a sneak peek!

Baby Richard Scott Van Pelt- newest cousin!

Me and little Kaylee!  She LOVES to eat "people food!"

More family!

Aunt Tara feeding Richard.!

He is SO cute!

Kaylee Sue!

Dad and Aunt Mary :)

And we got home from Utah!  What have  I REALLY been doing?

Well, you know, the norm.  Just coloring faces on eggs.

Or dyeing the milk pink and purple,

And playing with my cousin!

And playing with adorable babies!

Setting up giant posters for my mom's workshops!

So, at our summer camp, we made some goop! It was liquidy when you held it-it hardened when it was set down.  We put it in the fridge, and my mom kept asking, "Can I throw this away yet?" No was my answer each and every time we cleaned the fridge--which is pretty frequently. :) No one ever played with it, took off the lid or did anything that involved the magic goop.  Finally, yesterday, we needed some space in the fridge, and my mom took the goop out.  I needed to throw it away.  The lid was off and everyone was backing away from the goop (I guess cornstarch and water don't last very long). 

It needed to be chipped out, because it hardened.  One of the grossest things ever.....I am never doing this again.  Have any of YOU ever seen red, yellow, AND green mold before?  :)

You might even find me in the kitchen slicing butterflies and hearts--to make cheese and crackers!

Oh, and finally, I painted/drew some things for our windows-- my mom's logo and how to say Power of Moms in different languages!

That's it!


Are you glad that it is finally over?   :)


  1. What cute pictures Alia!!! when u come to Utah to see me, can u teach me to cut cheese like that???

    - Cambria

    1. Yeah, Alia, I agree, you (and mom for a few) took great pictures. I looked at all of them and it made me think of all the fun we had. I am excited to visit Cambria, Adelle and Kaia!!

      - Gracie

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