Sunday, September 23, 2012


Hey guys!!! This is Cambria!!! I'd like to post 38 pics that I've been taking lately. some of them are kind of random!!! :) Enjoy!!!

                                        Me after an 80's party!!!
                                           Me again
 Me again
 I love this 80's style. We got scrunchies, bracelets, earrings and lots more at the party
 Another one of me(sorry so many).
 Please comment if you like these pics
                                   M e after I took my hair out(MESSY)!!!
 Adelle had soccer practice at this park, and the sand was like a house with a hill in the front
 Part of the"sand house"!!!
 Me by the sand
 Me again
 Me on the hill(you can see the top of the hill).
 The sand again
 Me(Adelle was practicing behind me).
 Luke(I was trying to get a picture of him in the air. Did it work?).
 Again Luke(just like the above picture).
 We found a way to make it look like we were holding people. Me holding Kaia in my hand!!!
 Luke and Kaia
 Me(doing a crazy pose).
 The crazy picture way( I taught how to do this in an earlier post).
 Another one of me(without my glasses on).
 Me in front of the sunset.
 Me again
 What am I looking at?
 same text as the above picture.
 Me blowing a bubble(still at that park).
 same text as above picture.
 Me pretending to be asleep.
 Me again!!!
 me again by the sunset.
 Me in the sand!!!
 My mom holding Adelle in her hand.
 Adelle holding me(this is my favorite picture)!!!
 Me holding  baby named Ruthie that I've had since I was 1 or 2!!!
 We're both happy!!!
 me doing a superstar pose(in the car)
 Some yummy croissants that my mom made. She learned how to make them in Paris(and some had chocolate inside)!!!
 Me holding a croissant(about to eat it)!!! :)
                   Wow, 38 pictures are a lot to write about!!!

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