Saturday, September 22, 2012

My Catalina Trip

I posted this on Alia's Ideas, and I am posting this here: Enjoy!!!!!

Please comment :)

My friend Madison was my buddy for pretty much everything on the entire trip, and this is us on the bus.

We got to Long Beach, and they had all of these boats lined up.  Ours is the one behind the first one, and we couldn't WAIT to get on!

Me on the boat...It was WAY too wobbly, and we needed to get our "sea legs".

The water was super clear and very pretty!

I couldn't get a very clear shot, but someone screamed, "DOLPHIN!" and seriously everybody ran over to the side of the boat.  There were about 30 dolphins swimming SUPER fast toward Long Beach. Some kids even saw a whale, I didn't, but the boat had to stop so that they didn't mess up their migrating patterns.  The ocean is seriously AMAZING!
We got bored, so Bubble Effect was out to use!

Me with my very circular head:

Madison and her round head:

Oh, I just love the ocean!

We were at the dock for the other campers, SO excited to get to Fox Landing!

Then came the squid.  Oh, how I loved taking that squid apart piece by piece and doing all these challenges with it!

Our leaders took the squid and threw them at us--expecting us to catch them! The little part that looks like a stingray was slimy and cool.  We had to do some challenges with them, and here they are:

1. Tear the stingray part of skin in half and put it on your face for a while.....I did it!

2. As we went along cutting it into pieces, they showed us a small little hole that the squids use to move-you could blow in it like a balloon, and the whole squid puffed up!

3. Next, we squeezed the eyeballs out, and there was a tiny ball for their pupil, and they told us that another challenge was to eat it.  So, I did!

4. Finally, we got to smear the ink all over our face.  Mustaches were very popular among our group!

The slimy squid!

Half of our table and our squid parts all over our face!  Gross, but very interesting!

the lovely body of the squid..... :D


We finally went to bed after a long day, and they woke us up bright and early to see the sunrise.  It was amazing.  I couldn't get a bright picture with the flash, and I couldn't get a non-blurry picture without the flash...So, here are my pictures of the sunrise. I love this!

Ahhhh.  I LOVE it!!!!!

I got to wear these nifty shoes when we walked on the rocks--the beaches were only rocks--not very much sand. 

One of our hiking spots+super clear water=BEAUTY!!!!!!!!

Here's me:

Another sunrise :)

Some oceanography--on the pier.  FACT! (for those of you who know what I am talking about :) haha)

Right before our snorkel!  SO excited!!! It was amazing, but all my photos still need to be developed from my underwater camera.

We headed over to the Plankton Lab. We got to use microscopes and observe them.  They looked like small aliens with crazy bodies and names.  :)

Some more ocean.

Our hike to Bible peak, we learned about the geology of Catalina Island.

The view of the ocean from the top.

Our dining lodge, and the front lawn area. Surrounded by palm trees, oh my, it was wonderful.

An octopus in an observation tank.  It is the big gray thing on the rock--kind of hard to see....

Some crabs and fish:

An AWESOME Sea Hare. They are super fat and squishy and awesome.  :) I loved them.  We could touch them and they felt amazing. They were cuties!!!

And, we could PET the sharks! They kept trying to nibble our fingers....  scary!

They passed around a shark jaw-very cool!

Some shark skin:

Some different sharks:

The view from our last hike:

Eating some prickly pears-from cacti-no big deal  :)

Me and our counselor Brianna. She is a mime for an hour every other Friday, and there is a picture of her coming up!

Madison and Brianna :)

Our whole cabin- all 7 of us!

Brianna as a mime--she jumped into the water in this outfit too!

One final picture before the boat:

On the dock--about to board the boat:

Our final boat ride back! :( I will miss Catalina!

That was super fun!


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