Sunday, December 2, 2012

A Fun Family Gathering

The Wilson family got together and did a huge family picture!  Here are some photos from the day:

 Kaia and Kelly

Grandma Zoe and my Mom.

Cambria and Grace

 Alia and Cambria

 Grace and Adelle

Everyone getting ready for the family photo!

Everyone getting positioned.

 Grandma, Grandpa, and their 8 kids!


 True Love.  Awwww!

 We played some basketball with the cousins.

 Grandpa got a birthday quilt.

 Happy 80th  Birthday!

When  the Hayes family was at our house we:

made cookies:


 Cambria made us notes.

 They made thumb people too :)

I love my family!

-Alia :)

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