Sunday, August 5, 2012

What's the Scoop?

Here is a fun quiz to find out your personality!

 Which of these TV shows would YOU like to star in?

A: A detective drama
B: A dance competition
C: A sitcom about a friendly family

If you wrote a book about your life, what would it be called?

A: Play to Win
B: Life of the Party
C: Home Sweet Home

Which award would you like to win?
A: Most Valuable Player
B: Best New Pop Star
C: Teacher of the Year

Which superhero would you be?
A: Super Solver-saves the day with strength, speed, and smarts
B: Galactic Giggler-spellbinding laugh chases evil away, and bad guys flee
C: Fantastic Fairy Angel- she's always close by and knows how to help everyone

If an article appeared in the newspaper, what would the headline say?

A: Local Girl is NASA's New Space Shuttle Pilot
B: Queen of Comedy Coming to Town
C: President Honors Hometown Hero
Mostly A's
Peppermint Pop
You are smart, practical, and you work hard!

Mostly B's
Bubblegum Bop!
You are really fun, you like laughing, and you are sweet!

Mostly C's
Chocolate Craving!
You are kind, you love your friends and family.

Hope you had fun!


  1. Awesome post Alia!!! All of those ice cream flavors look SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good!!!!!

    - Cambria

  2. Yeah they do look good!! I was a bubble gum pop!! That was a great post! <3 Gracie

  3. I was peppermint pop cool post - Luke

  4. I was chocolate craving!!! I love these quizes!!! please post more quizes!!!

    - Cambria
