Saturday, August 11, 2012

Grandparents and BYU

Hi!!! This is Cambria!!! I am here to post about when my grandma and grandpa Wilson came to visit us. They came from Long Beach, California. We had SO much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! one day we went to BYU with them. We took some cute pictures and I wanted to post them on our blog. They are SO cute!!!!!! I think you will love them. I know I do!!! Please post a comment if you like my pictures. I know you will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Well,  here they are below.

Here is an awesome old fashioned slug bug below!!!We were parked right next to it!!!

Here are all of the girl kids in our family next to the slug bug(Adelle, Kaia, Cambria)

An awesome sideways picture of me with the slug bug!!!


And Kaia!!!

Here's Kaia ready to get lunch at BYU!!!

Here'as our awesome and adorable Grandma Zoe!!!

And amazing Adelle!!!

All of the girls. We dressed up in wigs and hats and we put on gloves that say GO COUGARS. We were in the bookstore at that time. Comment please if you like this pic.

Kaia in her half-blue and half-white wig!!!

Me in my blue wig!!!

Adelle in a cougar hat

All the girls holding cougar pom-poms

All the girls again. One of my pom-poms is in front of my face. OOPS!!!

An awesome sideways picture of me and the pom-poms.


  1. I love the picture of you guys and the "GO COUGARS"!! I hope you had a fantastic time at BYU! We got your packages and loved them! - your bce, grace

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey Cami! I love the pictures that you took! I love old cars--maybe we could do a post about them! :) I wish that we lived closer! I think it would be so very fun if we got together and went to BYU as 8 crazy cousins! That post was amazayn! love you lots! Alia

    1. <3 ya too. loved going 2 BYU with u guys a couple weeks ago!!!

  4. Thanks Alia and Grace!!! I love and miss you guys!!!

    - Cambria

  5. You guys Are the best cousins anyone could imagine!!!

    - Cambria

  6. Maybe we can go to BYU in October when you guys come!!!

    - Cambria
