Tuesday, July 17, 2012

We Meet Again!!!!!

This is Alia, Grace, Cambria, Adelle, & Kaia!  We all got together and decided to do a post together!  Here are some pictures of our amazing day!

Here is Alia, Cambria, and Grace at our Grandma's house.

Here are all the girl cousins!!!!  (Kaia, Adelle, Grace, Cambria, and Alia).

<3 Cambria <3

 <3 Kaia <3

 <3 Adelle <3

 <3 Grace <3

 <3 Alia <3

Earlier that day, we went to the bay.  There was a small pier, where you could jump off and the water was maybe--5 feet deep.  We were walking back when Cambria saw a star fish!!!!!!!!

Here it is! We were SO excited to hold it!  It was really poky, but we kept getting stuck to it!

 Here we are: We made 3 new friends, Madison, Madie, and Emily.

 Super awesome star-fish!!!

 Here are 4/5 girls in the bay!

 Here's us jumping off the pier.

 We made some pop-art!  The tutorial will be HERE soon!

Bye for now!

The cousins

1 comment:

  1. Alia and Grace, We had SO much fun at your guys' house!!!

    - Cambria
