Monday, July 9, 2012

Some DARLING Pictures

Here are MANY pictures of Cambria, Alia, Grace, and Luke!  SO cute and we were SO little! ;D

Below is Cambria--She was maybe 1 or 2. 

Here's Luke!  He was about 2 years old! :D

Luke & Cambria
 Me (Alia) 

 Grace in her car.

 Grace again.  :)

The Cousins- Left to Right- Luke, Alia (Me holding Ethan), Grace, & Cambria.

 Grace & Cambria

 Luke and Alia

 The Grandparents & Grandkids--Grandpa Bob holding Grace and Cambria, Alia and Luke, and Grandma Zoe holding Ethan.

Hope you enjoy the pictures!!!!

Alia :)

1 comment:

  1. Those pictures are so cute. What year did you take them in?
