Sunday, August 19, 2012

What cousins really means

Hi its Cambria!!! So this blog is called best cousins ever. Well, we are!!! but what does the word cousins REALLY mean??? Well, first of all, cousins are your parents brother's/sister's kids. Some cousins don't get  along, but the Perry's and us sure do!!! This is what the word cousins means to me...


When I think of the word cousins, I think of love. Cousins love you for who you are. You should always be confident and happy about who you are. It doesn't matter what you look like on the outside. Cousins are always loyal to you, no matter what you look like or how you act.You should not criticize yourself. We are all the same inside. We don't look at our friends from the outside, and our friends probably don't look at us from the outside. We always want to look our best, and if you have a good positive attitude and confidence in yourself, then your friends and even people who you don't know will see your inner shine!!! Never put yourself down. If you are feeling sad, remember you have lots of family members who love and care about you!!! Remember, everyone is special in their own way, and you are no different from anyone else. If you have good, supportive friends and family, then you will have a good supportive life and a positive attitude. You should be your own friend. I really like the rule treat your friends the way you would like to be treated. I also think that you should treat yourself the way you would treat a true, kind friend. I don't know where I would be without my cousins. If my cousins weren't my cousins, I'm sure they would still be my true, loyal friends. I love my cousins. Cousins are nice and kind to you. They truly have fun with you. They will stand up for you, make wrong things right, and make you feel good about yourself. I love and miss my cousins SO much!!! It is SO very hard to live far apart from your best cousins ever!!!  If all of your friends were like your cousins, then the world would be a MUCH better place.

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