Friday, August 3, 2012

Pictures of me, Cambria

Hi it's Cambria again. My Grandma and Grandpa Wilson are staying at our house for a few days!!! We love them so much. I have been taking a few pictures of myself and I wanted to put a few of them on this blog.

Me talking on the phone with my cousins Alia and Grace.

Me posing on the landing at my house.

A sideways picture of me

 Another sideways picture of me smiling.

I'm VERY happy in this picture.

Me making a silly face!!!  :)

Another sideways picture of me!!!!!!!!!!

 A VERY silly face! My eyes are open very wide and I did a funny thing with my lip.

This is a picture of me in an outfit that Alia and Grace gave me!!!!!!!! Thanks guys!!!

this is a picture of me in a tee shirt that I colored. Do you like it. Please comment

Here are me, Adelle and Kaia in my room!!!!!!

Here is me. I 'm about to go to bed. You can see that it is dark outside through my window

Here's a picture of me when I woke up in the morning!!!

Here's a sideways picture of me in the evening

Another picture in the evening

Here is a picture of my hand. I drew on it. I twas about mid-day when I took this picture

Here is me and my hand.

Here's me with a fake tongue in my mouth pretending to be dead.

This  is me with my real tongue.

A happy picture of me and my fake tongue!

Nooooooo!!! I just pulled my tongue out. Will i ever be normal again

I really liked that tongue. :(

 Oh no! I didn't mean to!


  1. I love all the pictures of you! I LOVE the tee shirt you drew too!

  2. Thanks Grace!!! I hope more people come on our blog!!!!!!!

    - Cambria :)
