Saturday, November 17, 2012

How to Plan and Almost Free Playdate / Party

Hi everyone!! This is Grace. In this post, you will learn how to plan an almost-free party/playdate!!
Follow these steps to plan it out:

1) Lay out what you want to do on a piece of paper.

2) Plan out what games you want to play: Board Games,

or homemade games. I made pin the leaf on the tree because my playdate is fall themed.
 Here are the leaves we pin on.
 3) If you have a  yummy snack on hand, have that as a treat at the playdate. There was lots of apple crisp so that is what we'll eat.

We had plenty of hot chocolate in our pantry so we will have that too! :)

4) This last thing is COMPLETELY OPTIONAL!!! Favors. If your having a party, this is probably the only thing that will cost money for you. Try not to spend too much money.

My guest will recieve a small little mustache necklace.


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