Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Fun, Fun, Fun

We had LOTS of fun in California.We stayed at my grandma and grandpa's house,Laura, Jim, and Kelly's house(we went to jack in the box, the movies, down second street for treats, to Rubio's , and MUCH more)  ,and last but CERTAINLY not least, we stayed at Alia and Grace's house. I had tons of fun there. I'm sure that the rest of my family did too.

If Alia and Grace are reading this, then THANK YOU for letting me and my family stay at your House. We had a BLAST!!!!!!!!! Thank you for all of the presents you gave us. Alia, I got ALL of the letters when I got home.One of them got torn , so the postal service put it in a bag. I hope nothing fell out!!! I will show you when you come over again.

Alia and Grace send me letters and I hang them all over my wall. The goal is to cover my whole room with letters. My walls are filling up fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Below is a picture of me and my cousins on my dad's side.

      Here is a picture of me at the pumpkin patch with my cousin Emma.

Here is a picture of Adelle and my cousin George.

Here is Kaia. All of us were on a little animal train at the pumpkin patch.

Here is Adelle on a horse at the pumpkin patch.the person in the background is a person who helped guide the horse.

Here is Kaia on that same horse.

Here is Adelle on a funky looking swing.

Here is Kaia on that swing. Adelle is pushing her as you can see.

Here's Adelle eating cotton candy at the pumpkin patch. All of the pictures so far have been at the pumpkin patch.

Here is Luke. He got cotton candy too.

Here is Adelle after her cotton candy.

 Here is Luke and Kaia on that train.

More of the train. Me, Isaac, and Helam

And  Adelle and Emma.

Here is Kaia  in corn. Or should I say Kaia corn.

here are all the kids in our family with our jack-o-lanterns




                               And Kaia

                                                      Here are ALL our pumpkins

This is Luke in his Halloween costume


And Adelle

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