Saturday, January 4, 2014

My Sister

Hi Guys!

I am going to introduce you (again) to my sister/best friend ALIA!

She is such an amazing sister and I love her so much!
She is turning 14 soon, so I am going to say 14 things I love about her!

1) She has been making us snacks and food ever since she was 5 years old!

2) She is an amazing babysitter!

3) Curls my hair for church or school!

4) Sets a great example for me!

5) Does my nails whenever I want them done!

6) Does hairstyles on me from Cute Girls Hairstyles!

7) Always makes sure we are okay when we get hurt!

8) Supports us in sports and other activities.

9) Lets us have a little extra time on the TV when babysitting! ;)

10) Makes us yummy treats!

11) Packs us fun lunches for school!

12) Is the most creative person I've ever met!

13) Uses Pinterest to come up with crafts, treats, and games!

14) Instagram Lover

Always looking for creative projects to do!

Loving, older sister


Adorable hair and clothes

I love you Alia!

>>> Gracie <<<

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