Thursday, June 19, 2014

3 fun crafts for anytime!!!

Me and my sisters found these crafts online and could not resist- they are so cute and easy!

1- A DIY(do it yourself) stuffed caterpillar!

Materials needed- One sock, cotton balls or crumpled up newspaper(I used newspaper),  pipe cleaners, small elastics or Rainbow Loom rubber bands( I used Rainbow loom bands), googly eyes, and hot glue or fabric glue( I used just regular old Elmer's school glue~ and the parts started to fall off after I took the picture), possibly fabric markers.

Instructions- open your sock(like you are about to put it on), and put either a small crumpled ball of newspaper, or approximately three cotton balls into the toe of your sock. put and elastic or rainbow loom band around the ball at the end of the newspaper. Continue this step until you reach the end of your sock. Cut your pipe cleaner to the  desired length(plus a little extra). Fold it into the desired shape of your antennas. Then, fold a small amount at the bottom of your antennae. Tuck the bottom folded portion under the first elastic/rainbow loom band. Glue on your googly eyes(I think it looks cute to do them up high and far apart. If you think it looks cute, leave it, if you want to add a mouth, you can use fabric markers and do so as you wish. I did not include a mouth on mine, because I thought it looked cute just the way it was. Ta-da!!! You have a finished product of a cute caterpillar friend! Below is the image of the example I copied while making mine, as well as images of My sister and my finished products.

                                                I copied my idea after this picture on Pinterest.
My finished product
                                                My sister Adelle's finished product.
The next Craft is A cute heart craft that you can frame or hang in your room. I am painting my room yellow and blue. My sister is too, and she made a cute blue and yellow one for her room. We made one that was black and red for my dad for Father's Day.

Materials needed- Acrylic paint, 2 pieces of paper,double-sided tape(regular tape works too), and a pencil with a new eraser.

Instructions- Fold one piece of paper in half, then cut a half heart, with the inside facing the fold, so your whole heart will be symmetrical. put double-sided tape on the back of your heart. If you are using regular tape, roll it over itself to make it sticky on both sides(I think you know what I mean). Dip the eraser of your pencil in the paint, and start stamping it onto the paper(it should be a complete circle shape. When the paint starts to fade, start going out from the heart for a cool effect. Go all the way around the heart, and then pull the heart off of the paper. It looks AMAZING!!!

Here is the image on Pinterest that I did mine off of.
 On the left is the one for my sister's room, and the one on the right is the one that we worked together on.

The third and final craft is homemade maracas. I made these up, I did not find them on Pinterest.
Materials needed-rice or beans(I only had rice), 4 Dixie cups, 2 pencils, strong packing tape or duct tape, and sharpie paint pens(or just regular sharpies).

Instructions-Poke a hole in the bottom of one cup with one pencil. Securely tape the pencil to the cup from the inside and the outside. Fill one Dixie cup with rice or beans(or even both!). put the other dixie cup on top of the first one. Securely tape them together. Decorate your finished maraca with sharpies or sharpie paint pens. Repeat this process to make your second maraca(unless you only want one).


Sunday, April 20, 2014

Dyeing Easter eggs with cousins!

My awesome Perry cousins came to grandma and grandpa's house on Thursday, and we all dyed Easter eggs together. I got some amazing pictures! Here they are!
                                                                             Setting up!
 Grace and I
 Grace and I hugging each other.
                                          The eggs are slowly but surely being transformed.
                                             Me and Eggbert!
                                              Dyeing eggs!
                                                      The process!
                                           One Carton is done!
                                          One of my egg creations.
                                         Grandma Zoe and Kaia dyeing wonderful eggs
                                           All of us working.
                                   Adelle dyeing eggs(sorry its blurry :( my flash was off)

                                                         Another carton of eggs.
                            Grandma and mom by the finished eggs.
                                                   Grandma and Mom(Page) again
 April brought out some eggs that were not hard-boiled. We had to be extra careful with those. Here are the finished raw eggs.
 Alia and Kaia dyeing Easter eggs, again, sorry it's blurry!
                                          Adelle after the egg-dyeing.
 A beautiful green egg!
 All the eggs that are finished sitting next to Alia as she dyes an egg.
 Finished eggs
                                                      Another picture of the finished eggs!
                                          Here are all the egg dye cartons after the celebration.
                                            Another picture of the egg dye cartons.
                                          A picture of all BCE members!
                                             We're all wearing the bracelets/anklets that I made.
It was definitely a great fun day. We also went to the park and got Ice cream at Rite Aid, which is on 2nd street. I am so glad we could see each other! This is a day to remember!


Friday, January 10, 2014

Picture of me

Here's the picture of me that Grace put in her photo post 2. I loved it! I just rotated it, I will post it the right way. ENJOY!!!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Hayes Family

Hi Everyone!

Here is a cute stick figure family I made of Cambria's family!

My Stick Family from

>>> Gracie <<<

photos (part 2)

Here is the part 2!
Look at the post before for part 1!
from left to right : Kaia, Alia, and Adelle

Kaia and Adelle at our grandparent's house!

A sideways picture of Cambria!
Thanks so much for reading!
Keep loving your cousins!
>>> Grace <<<


Hi guys!
I was organizing my room and I found a hard drive with pictures I took on our family vacation!
All the girls on the 3 hour train ride to the Grand Canyon!

The beautiful view from the trail.

My mom and dad!

Ethan and I letting other hikers pass.

Me at the edge of the canyon!

Spencer and I in the car after a long hike.

We saw so many deer just wandering by the train!

Hope you enjoyed them!

I will post the rest in the next post!

>>> Gracie <<<

Saturday, January 4, 2014

My Sister

Hi Guys!

I am going to introduce you (again) to my sister/best friend ALIA!

She is such an amazing sister and I love her so much!
She is turning 14 soon, so I am going to say 14 things I love about her!

1) She has been making us snacks and food ever since she was 5 years old!

2) She is an amazing babysitter!

3) Curls my hair for church or school!

4) Sets a great example for me!

5) Does my nails whenever I want them done!

6) Does hairstyles on me from Cute Girls Hairstyles!

7) Always makes sure we are okay when we get hurt!

8) Supports us in sports and other activities.

9) Lets us have a little extra time on the TV when babysitting! ;)

10) Makes us yummy treats!

11) Packs us fun lunches for school!

12) Is the most creative person I've ever met!

13) Uses Pinterest to come up with crafts, treats, and games!

14) Instagram Lover

Always looking for creative projects to do!

Loving, older sister


Adorable hair and clothes

I love you Alia!

>>> Gracie <<<


Hi guys!
Are you looking for a way to communicate with friends and family?
Here's your answer:
This program allows you to video chat, chat, and send video messages!
We do this as cousins almost EVERY day!
Thanks for reading!
We hope you use Skype!
>>> Grace <<<