Tuesday, December 31, 2013

CA trip... in November (whoops, a little late)

 We had a TON of fun in California with our cousins and Grandparents. I know Alia and Grace already posted some cute pictures and comments about Thanksgiving. One thing they already mentioned was that Kaia(My sis.) had her birthday on thanksgiving day. I would like to post some pictures of beautiful memories. Here is a shout out to my family...


        Well, here are the pictures. Enjoy!!!

Me and My amazing, sweet grandma
 Luke and Kaia
                                                           Luke and Kaia again
                                                     Me and sweet Grandma Zoe
                                                     14 out of 34 grandkids!!!
                                                     Bob and Eric
                                                 Bob and Eric again
                                            Grandpa and Grandma
                                          Grandpa & Grandma again
                                                Mckenna, Bob, and Susan
                                            Cassie and Ryan
                                                                  Melanie and Laura
                                                           Page and Grandma Zoe
              Alia and Landon Playing a fun game called, "Don't Break The Ice!"
                                                     This game is super fun. WE have it!!!
                                                                    Page and Lisa
                                                   Luke, me, and Brennan watching Studio C
                                               Watching studio c again
                                          Grace: She and I had opposite outfits!!!