Tuesday, December 31, 2013

CA trip... in November (whoops, a little late)

 We had a TON of fun in California with our cousins and Grandparents. I know Alia and Grace already posted some cute pictures and comments about Thanksgiving. One thing they already mentioned was that Kaia(My sis.) had her birthday on thanksgiving day. I would like to post some pictures of beautiful memories. Here is a shout out to my family...


        Well, here are the pictures. Enjoy!!!

Me and My amazing, sweet grandma
 Luke and Kaia
                                                           Luke and Kaia again
                                                     Me and sweet Grandma Zoe
                                                     14 out of 34 grandkids!!!
                                                     Bob and Eric
                                                 Bob and Eric again
                                            Grandpa and Grandma
                                          Grandpa & Grandma again
                                                Mckenna, Bob, and Susan
                                            Cassie and Ryan
                                                                  Melanie and Laura
                                                           Page and Grandma Zoe
              Alia and Landon Playing a fun game called, "Don't Break The Ice!"
                                                     This game is super fun. WE have it!!!
                                                                    Page and Lisa
                                                   Luke, me, and Brennan watching Studio C
                                               Watching studio c again
                                          Grace: She and I had opposite outfits!!!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Hello Everybody!
I hope you had a great Christmas with your families!
What are your family traditions that you do every year around Christmas time?
We make candy cane airplanes every Christmas!
Comment on your family traditions!

Grandpa Bob and I making candy cane airplanes!

Thanks for Reading!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas Countdown

Merry Christmas Everybody!

Do you want to know exactly how many days, hours, minutes and seconds there are until Christmas?

There is this fun, FREE website where you can see how much longer until this magnificent holiday.

The blog is HERE...

or you can just memorize this easy website: http://www.xmasclock.com/

Hope you have an amazing Christmas with your family!!

~ Gracie

Merry Christmas!!

Friday, December 20, 2013


Dear everyone reading this blog,

 I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas, and an awesome new year!  If you are late on presents, or are having handmade holidays, then I will post some amazing links here for you.
One of my favorites(with a ton of cute snowmen crafts)  http://youpinspireme.blogspot.com/2013/11/snowman-crafts.html#.UrTle_RDvpI
And VERY cute missionary candy bar sayings below! AWESOME!!!!!!!!! 

Bye everyone and I hope to see y'all again in 2014!!!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

paint pictures from grace

even more from thanksgiving :)

We had so much fun together as a family for thanksgiving!  Here are just a few more pictures of what we did:

Kelly (our cousin) sang to us :)

the grown-ups talked and talked

Silly face made by Cambria

Cambria talking to Grandma Zoe

My Mom and Grandma Zoe

All of the wonderful desserts we had!

We played a lot on the exercise bike and treadmill

We watched a movie


Aunts and Grandma

Grandparents with my mom
  the 8 kids and grandparents

only 14 out of 30 grandkids!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

BCE Hike

Today the BCE members and parents went on a great hike!  It was 3 hours long! 

Here are just a few of my favorite pictures! :)

A beautiful tree that we rested at. 

A natural walkway arch :) all 8 of us! 

A tiny little 'waterfall' that we stopped at. There wasn't much water! You can see it trickling down in the bottom right corner. 

The scenery :)

 And more gorgeous scenery. 

Then After the hike, the Hayes family had to leave. It was so fun seeing you guys!

xo alia :)

BCE Photobooth!

We had so much fun at a Thanksgiving "party" with our family!  We also tested out out photobooth prop (going To be used a lot when the Hayes family comes over). Here are a few of the pics we took! 

The birthday girl, Kaia! She is seven!

Cambria 2013

Our cousin Ashlyn took this: Cambria would not stop making crazy faces!

A small portion of the BCE gang! Adelle was in the other room, and our cousin Kelly was there with us.  (We are the main bloggers here-Kelly was just taking pics with us)

This was with self-timer. Ashlyn is next to me (Alia) and again, Kelly is in front. 

Silly picture! 


Kaia Grace and Ashlyn and Cambria is in the back holding the sign. 

Grace, Ashlyn, Kaia and Cambria

Me, Ashlyn, Cambria and Kaia. 

Such a fun Thanksgiving with wonderful cousins!!!  Adelle, we missed you in this photo shoot, but we will do another with you! 

I'm thankful for my family and for all the activities we get to do together!