Monday, March 26, 2012

My family just got back from Moab. We were there with our friends Aaron and Sunny. We saw lots of arches and went on some Hikes. We also climbed on LOTS of rocks.
Above is My sister, Adelle , On a road trip. We went to Burger King and we thought It would be fun to put the pickles on our faces like cucumbers.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Vacation Picture Extravaganza

Below Is Grace, Alia, and Me at the beach last August(we went to California for our vacation). We were having so much fun. Since Adelle and Kaia aren't in this picture, I'll put up another picture of them.

Here are Adelle and Kaia in the picture below.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Our New and Awesome Blog

My name is Grace, and I am 9 years old. I run this blog with my cousins and sister. The picture below shows us recently at a museum when Cambria, Adelle, and Kaia visited us.

Top Row: Alia, Me, Cambria

Bottom Row: Adelle and Kaia

This picture below shows us in the year 2007. Spencer (my brother) and Kaia weren't in it because they were too little.

Luke, Ethan (my brother), Adelle, Me, Cambria, and Alia

Here is a crazy picture of us below (still in 2007). Spencer is on Luke's lap.

Have a great day! Hope you enjoy our blog!!
(Happy Birthday Cambria!)

Me, Cambria

March 3rd, 2012

Hey! Me, Alia, Grace, Adelle, and Kaia are BCE(that means best cousins ever) and we wanted to start a blog. Today is my Birthday(I'm Cambria) and I am turning 10 years old. Double digits! My Grandma took me to go get a Manicure and it was fun. On the left is a picture of me so you kind of know me. I've never done a blog before so I might not have perfect posts like my other cousins Alia and Grace.Everyone put this on your calenders: smile 1:00-4:00